මහනුවර මහා නගර සභාව


Kandy Municipal Council was established under Ordinance No.17 of 1865. It's inaugural meeting was held on 20th March 1866. A Panel of Judges was appointed to go into cases where By-laws were violated. Those powers were transferred over to the Municipal Magistrate by Ordinance No.7 of 1887.

According to the 1866 Budget

  • Total Revenue of the Council was - £ 13,505 - 14 - 6
  • Total Expenditure was - £ 10,145 - 4 - 1
  • 1915 - Revenue Rs.195,490.35
  • 1915 - Expenditure Rs.193,069.49

Municipal Office was started at the present premises in March, 1870. Presently the Council is made up of 24 elected members.